In 1981, I helped to found what would grow into the All Stars Project - a national non-profit dedicated to afterschool development. Each year, All Stars works with more than 10,000 inner city kids in 6 cities across the country and it has done so without the support of tax dollars or government funding.
I volunteered at its very first Talent Show in the South Bronx more than 36 years ago. Since then, I have continued to volunteer with the organization in a variety of ways - from being on the producing team of the Castillo Theatre, to working with young people in the Talent Show Network and fundraising for the many different programs that are offered.
What we do has been made possible by people like you and me who volunteer their time and contribute the money and energy that makes Castillo and All Stars happen. This is why we’ve been able to create out of the box, successful, and free programing for young people living in the poorest communities of our city, for Cops and Kids on the street, and for adults who never had the opportunity to attend a college class, go to a museum, or see a play.
I am grateful to my friends, clients and coworkers who have supported the ASP and given hope to so many young people.
Thank you all – Sandy
“There are causes that motivate me, that keep me excited about being a judge and about being a human being. The [Development School for Youth, an ASP Program] is one of those programs. As I am growing older, and as I hope to continue making contributions to developing my society, I realize that it’s meaningless unless the generation that follows me picks up the battle and continues it. And the battle is… to be better citizens, to be better family members, to be better friends, community members, and to give back to our society and make it better for everyone. This program, I believe does that.”